Virtual Fitness for Moms & Families | The Milton Moms

With a stay at home advisory underway, fitness has gone virtual! They are all streaming classes on Facebook Live, Instagram Live, through private groups or through their websites. Another example of businesses that have gone above and beyond to provide a service to us safely during this time. If there was ever a time we needed a good workout, a place to workout with our kiddos or a moment of zen, it is now. Thank you.


Gyms, Studios, Yoga & More

Anytime Fitness Quincy is offering live workouts, virtual coaching and more!

AV Studio Quincy offers pilates and barre and is posting updates and workouts for you to follow along.

Barre 3 Boston offers live classes every week. Connect virtually and register via their mindbody app.

Club Pilates in Canton is offering all of their classes via Club Pilates Go

Daisy Face Flow is zooming with you! Book a class to get a zoom link.

Fitness Unlimited is streaming online classes for their members, and posting TONS of daily content for everyone to work out at home.

R3Bilt Fitness is streaming workouts on on Facebook. Follow them for awesome work outs and updates including tips on how to boost your immunity.

Milton Yoga is live streaming all of their classes! Zoom with them and find some moments of zen in your day.

Open Doors Dorchester is taking their daily schedule online. See all of your favorite teachers from your living room. OMMMMM

Pure Barre is offering free online classes! Check their updates on Facebook & Instagram for more.

Zoom with Quincy Yoga & Massage and get your downward dog on.

Studio Barre Dedham is streaming barre classes online. Connect with them to sign up and learn more.

Savin Hill Fitness offers yoga, barre, bootcamp, boxing and more….all from your home! Sign up through the mindbody app.



Moms & Kids

Mama Beasts is taking their workouts online and offering their usual and amazing classes. Have the kids join the fun and stay for activities & crafts you can do at home. Follow along for the weekly schedule with classes daily.

Family Workouts with Pilates & Barre instructor, Jennifer Phelan, at home! She is offering so much fun for the whole family and will surely make you sweat in just 20 minutes. Follow her on instagram for her schedule and payment information

Breathe & Play Every Day offers family yoga classes, adult yoga classes, zumbini, and so many other baby classes and resources. Sign up to access their free online videos here.

Foot Prints Kids Yoga is taking their schedule online so that all kids have access to yoga during this confusing time.

Mindful Minis from Full & Conscious Yoga is offering kids breathing & yoga classes online. Follow them for updates!



Is your favorite gym or studio offering online classes? Email me- [email protected] so I can add to the growing list.

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